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Candy Container Cove

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Research into the history of cardboard putz villages has shown that they started being manufactured in the late 1920s. One of the earliest types of these houses is a type that collectors refer to as "printies". The printie era ran from the late 1920s into the beginning of the 1930s.

Printies get their name from their detailed, lithographed printed walls, doors, and windows. A collection of this type of buildings makes a wonderful display. 

Example of matching removable plug on a Candy Container Cove house.

Another distinguishing feature of the printie style houses of this period was the presence of a matching removable plug that fits into the light hole on on the reverse. The plug allowed the container to hold its candy contents. Once the container was emptied the plug could be removed and a light inserted when creating a village display. For this reason it can be difficult to locate vintage examples that retain thier original plugs. 

The scarcity and beauty of this style of house is what inspired me to create Candy Container Cove.  The initial buildings I have created are my personal attempts to replicate vintage originals based upon images I have found online or that have been provided by fellow collectors. It is my hope to be able to expand this series into more original designs based upon these first selections. 

Enjoy the gallery below as you visit Candy Container Cove.


Click on individual images for the name of each building and additional images

Creating Small Worlds for Big Memories

© 2025 by Ted Howard

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